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    To chalk paint or not to chalk paint

    I have been painting furniture now for a very long time. About eighteen years. I have painted everything, end tables, shelves, desks, cabinets…you name it. My go to paint has always been latex wall paint in a satin finish. I like it, it is easy to use, doesn’t chip, and it lasts a long time. If I am painting cabinets, my go to paint is Sherwin Williams cabinet paint. Those are really my staples. So when I found this sewing desk and began thinking about re finishing it, I wanted to try something new. The finish on this desk was in pretty bad shape, but it was a solid wood desk, could…

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    Christmas home tour – my dining room

    So the dining room is my last room I am going to share. It is where we have dinner every night, and has my favorite color on the walls. Christmas is fun to decorate in this room because of all the red that is already there. It just feels like Christmas all over. I decorate my hutch and table every year, and this year I had my new console to decorate as well. I decided to put the village on top of it. I love it because we can sit and enjoy it every night. When it is all lit up it adds such a fun glow in the room and you can see…

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    I heart painting furniture

    So I posted last on the console I am working on in my dining room. I took a few days last week and finished painting it. Now I am working on the top. I chose to paint it the same dark gray that I painted my dining room table. I decided not to paint it the light gray color the hutch is, I wanted the color to pop off the wainscoting. I painted the inside of the piece the same light gray as my hutch for some fun contrast. I used the same hardware it came with , and notice it doesn’t have a top….I am working on that right…

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    The console

    So just the other day I was shopping around with my husband. We went to a fun antique store we like to go to just to browse around for fun. I should never do that. We came home with a few things. Things we don’t need, but were an amazing deal. I was planning on painting and selling a few of these things, but when I brought this piece home, I knew it had to be a part of our house. The thing that caught my eye…actually my husband’s…. was the detail and character of this piece. It looks like a beat up seventies console, but I loved the lines and…

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    It’s almost Fall!

    The kids have gone back to school, the mornings are cooler, I am starting to feel fall in the air! I love love love the fall. It is hands down my favorite season.  Part of that has to do with the colors, fall foliage, and of course the pumpkins. I love decorating my home for fall.  I am already thinking about projects I can do, and places that I want to add a little fall touch in my home. Last year we just finished our home right in time for fall.  I just put out the things I had stored, and called it good.  This year I want to be a little…

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    fun kitchen additions

    Since I have posted last…a long long time ago…. I  have added a few decorative touches to my kitchen. I got some fun vintage canvases from Amazon that I hung on either side of the window, then found a fun bottle top clock that matched the style of the prints to go on the other wall. I had my son cut me some vinyl, my Grandma’s brownie recipe, to put on the opposite wall. I have the walls done, now I am on to window treatments.      

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    Flash back Friday

    As I was finishing up my room project I started thinking of all the other rooms I have created in the past which led me to look up some old pictures of my other master bedroom and bathroom. It is so funny how styles change and you change along with them. I use to love dark jewel tone colors, and black painted furniture. It was pretty, but I love the light colors I am using now. They are so much more calming to my personality.  That is why I love decorating. It is a constant evolution of change and creativity. Nothing has to stay the same forever, and you can…

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    Yard Work

    Finally another post. These last couple of months have kept me so busy, that I haven’t had any time to concentrate on doing important things like blog. We have been busy at our house. Mostly with the outside. We decided to cut out some flower gardens in our yard. This was so needed. Nothing bugs me more that just grass that goes to a fence. First we planned out our design, and had the utilities come and mark for lines.  Nothing says pretty like a spray painted lawn. Then we had a curbing guy come and cut out all the sod and do some curbing for us. I went to…