
  • Projects,  rooms

    DIY Reupholstering…Our Ottoman

    Years ago…I mean quite a few years ago, I happened upon what is now my absolute favorite thrift and antique store. This store is located in what we call old town. The ladies who run the store are so gifted and talented in what they do. I have relatives come from Salt Lake City (Three hours away from us) come shop in this small vintage shop. The first time I went in the doors of this little store, I came across this ottoman. There was something about it that I absolutely loved! I am weird in that I believe that things speak to us if they are to belong to…

  • DIY,  Furniture,  Projects

    Outdoor bench

      When I was creating my porch this year I decided that I wanted to make a bench for it. I had been looking online and found the instructions for this bench here . It literally took this much wood to create a great bench, and it cost about $15. My hubby and I (mostly my hubby) followed the instructions and it turned out awesome. I wanted it to stand out from the house, so I grabbed my favorite go to gray paint…man cave… and painted the legs. I decided to stain the top to add some interest. It was a fun and easy project that didn’t cost a fortune. It…

  • DIY,  Family room,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture

    A one of a kind shelf

    So it a while back I found this great architectural piece of wood at my local antique store. When I say a while back, I mean probably a year or more ago.  Every time I went into this store I wanted to buy this piece and create something with it. A few weeks ago I got my chance. A few weeks back I made a few changes to my family room and bought an old radio. This started kind of a spiral of sorts. I had a chair where the old radio was, so I had to move the chair to the wall where my cool arrow hung. Since I moved the…

  • D's Room,  DIY,  Projects

    Winter Schminter

    Holy winter batman. We are snowed in where I live. We got 20 inches of snow on Tuesday, and I am tired of it! I have been using my stuck in the house time wisely though. I have been working on my daughter’s desk, re finishing it. I have never kept the finish on  a piece of furniture wood, so I am learning some fun new techniques. The veneer on the top was coming up, so we glued and sanded it. It is turning out lovely! I have the top stained, and the whole piece sealed. I can’t wait to bring it up to her room! I got some frames out from under…

  • Colors,  D's Room,  our house,  Projects

    My favorite shades of gray

    Christmas was great, the break was even better, and this week the kids have only gone to school for two days. It has been hard getting back into our schedules around here. It has been so cold and snowy. The kids have had two snow days this week because of the temperature.  I guess -20 is too cold to let the kids go to school. So to keep busy, I have decided to paint my daughter’s room. She was ten when we moved into this house, and wanted hot pink and Paris back then. Super cute for a ten year old, but not so much for a fifteen year old…

  • dining room,  DIY,  Furniture,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture

    How to make something from nothing

    I finished my console and I am so excited to share the entire process. I love looking up paint tutorials and learning different ways to paint furniture. Even though I learn about different techniques and ways to paint, I consistently go back to the way I have been painting furniture and cabinets for years. This way works for me, I love the finish, and it holds up well. So here is the cabinet that I bought a couple of weeks ago. It was dated, and dirty! I got it for a killer price and originally brought it home to paint and sell it. I put it in the garage to prep…

  • Christmas,  Crafts,  DIY,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture

    A bit of spray paint

    I can’t believe it is November already. Time is flying. I love the fall, and decorating for it is so much fun. That being said, I also love Christmas, and decorating for that is a lot more fun. So every November 1st I start thinking about how I want to decorate. Little touches I want to change from previous years, or crafts I want to do.  This week I have been thinking about my porch. I have had this fun lantern for years now and it has recently been out in my back yard. I painted it yellow so that it would stand out in the yard. I cleaned all…

  • D's Room,  DIY,  Projects

    A mood board for my daughter’s room

    I have been “working”….ummm thinking about my daughter’s room for the past little while now.  We have purchased a desk already that I am going to re finish, so now it’s time to work on picking out some more of the details.  When I start a room I like to do a mood board. A mood board is just a place to put all of your ideas and design inspiration for the room. I look online and decide on all the things we want to buy or put in the room.  I then open excel and just copy and paste all my ideas about the room so it is organized in one spot.…

  • DIY,  Projects,  Rooms I've Created


    Starting my hallway project took a lot of time and thinking. The whole thing started with this fun hook rack I found at an antique store. I made a wreath for it, and hung it at the end of our hallway. I knew that I wanted something more hanging on the walls, and I decided that it would most likely be pictures. You know all those pictures you have taken over the years, those pictures you want to display but don’t know how? Well here is my clean and simplified version of a gallery wall. I have a very long hallway in my upstairs that I needed to decorate. I have seen some…

  • DIY,  kitchen,  Projects

    Adding a brick wall

    The kitchen is defiantly coming along. I am still waiting on counter tops to come, but on a whole it is usable and I am loving it! The wall color I chose is fairly light and the cabinets are white, so I knew I needed a punch of something in the room to add some fun interest.  I love the look of exposed brick, and I knew that was what I wanted a touch of in my kitchen.   We have added a little brick in the house already in the stair landing, and I loved how that turned out.  I decided to do a little more and use the…

  • Colors,  DIY,  our house,  Projects

    New front door

      I got a new door! When we bought this house, I didn’t love the front door and I knew that eventually I would buy a new one.  My front door had a couple of fun looks while I was waiting for the new one. First, it was the turquoise door. Then I painted it apple green.  I was known as the house with the green door…seriously, that is how I described my house. It was hard to choose a new door, it was a big purchase, and I wanted to get it just right. We ended up choosing this door, and I love it! I was nervous about all…

  • Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Projects

    DIY wreath

    We just finished our upstairs hallway and I have been having fun decorating and adding some accessories. I bought this hook originally to hold pictures, but I decided to put it in the hall and hang a wreath on it.  I wanted something simple and without a lot of color. I looked all over for a wreath I liked, but I couldn’t find one. School is out and I have some extra time, so I decided to make one instead. I found these fun burlap flowers at JoAnns and I was excited. I am not fond of silk flowers, so these were just right for me. I got a grapevine…

  • Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  mud room,  Projects

    Mud Room

    We are making progress on our main level.  This past weekend we worked hard getting the new mud room ready for paint and tile.  This room is right off the garage and use to be the laundry/computer desk/mudroom.  We have moved our laundry room upstairs, the desk will be in the kitchen, and now I am going to have a for real mud room with cabinet lockers to store all the shoes, backpacks, coats….. Lets just say I am excited for this room! We painted this room the same notre dame gray that I used throughout the main living space of the house. I used the same vintage black and…

  • dining room,  DIY,  Family room,  front room,  molding,  Projects

    Molding…tons of molding!

    There has been a lot of work going on in our home the past few weeks.  Lots and lots of painting! I love adding wainscoting to a room, but it is a lot of work.  Cutting, sanding, caulking, priming, and painting two coats of white. But it is worth it! Here is a peek of how some of the rooms are coming along. Here is the family room the day we moved in.  I am so so so over brown! We took out the harth and added some molding around the fireplace. We spray painted the brass grills on the fireplace and painted the whole wall white. This is our…

  • Colors,  DIY,  Family room,  Projects

    Accent walls

    We have still been working on finishing the main floor wainscoting this past week. We have the fireplace wall done…not painted, but framed out, and I love it! It started out a plain wall with just backer board nailed to it.  We then measured, measured again, and measured again until we came up with the right dimensions for the molding. We ripped four inch MDF boards, measured again, and cut them to fit. Once the boards were ripped and cut we started assembling.  It went pretty quickly at that point. We decided to trim around the fireplace with two inch boards.  I want the wall to have a clean look…