
  • Colors,  craft room,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    A little bit of demo

    There has been a little bit of demo going on around here. I  didn’t like the floor plan in our basement. It felt like it was just a maze of rooms. We did not need one of the rooms by the stairs, so we decided to tear out the wall and make it one open space.  We didn’t need a family room right there, we have a theater room in the basement already, so we decided that a great craft space would be awesome for our family.  Here is the floor plan and what it looked like before we took out the wall. It was a small room and the…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Nothing says welcome like color

    I love colorful front doors. My friend and I are on a movement to start a colorful front door trend in our neighborhood. I think that nothing says welcome like the color of your front door.  I had recently visited Paris and was inspired by the doors that looked like this. I loved how all their buildings were mostly cream, and they used the color of their door to express their personality. Beautiful. I came home and decided to paint my front door a bright turquoise. It is important when choosing a paint color for your door, to make sure it compliments the brick or siding color of you house.…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created,  yard

    Taking it outside

    It has been a while since I have posted. It is not because I haven’t been busily working away in my home, but because I have been busily working away outside my home.  I have been working as an aid at a school this past school year.  I can’t believe how much time I don’t have to do things like blog when I am working.  I have missed blogging. I use this blog as a journal of sorts, and I enjoy recording my decorating experiences, and looking back on them. That being said, I am excited for the Summer! Time! We have been working hard in our yard these past…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  exercise room,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Trimmed out and finished exercise room

    I am back ready to post pictures of our finished exercise room. We added some molding which I chose to use and replace in the whole house. I can’t believe how much molding finishes off a room every time we install it. This room turned out great. I love the soft gray color, the carpet tiles which are perfect to put heavy exercise equipment on, and it is way fun to have a space to work out in. It may inspire me to go down and use it sometimes!

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    A delicious soup recipe for a cold day

    It has been freezing here lately. Below zero temps.  When it is that cold outside, it just makes me want to put a pot of soup on.  I love any kind of soup, but this one is one of my favs. This is the soup that got my hubby to marry me.  I made this for him on our second date, and after that he was hooked.  You know what they say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So true.  It is warm, creamy, comforting, and delicious, and the best part, my kids love it! Not the best pic, but here is the recipe. Potato Soup6…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    working on the exercise room

    Don’t you just love this lovely peach color! This room is in my basement and was probably used as a craft room. It had a lovely flower wallpaper border which we removed, and the flooring was foam tiles. Got to love it all!   We chose a light gray color for the walls, then found some carpet tiles for the floor. These are the coolest things.  They stick down with adhesive tape, and are so quick to install.  I love the pattern of the different tiles in the room to give it some interest and dimension.  We are using the room for our exercise equipment, so we didn’t want regular plush…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  girl's room,  our house,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    New Life for some Old Furniture

    Taking the old, making it new…so fun, cheap, and cheerful. I love re purposing all my old furniture when doing a new room. My older daughter had a desk we used in her old room. We took that desk, re-painted it, and it totally changed it’s personality and looks brand new. Here’s how it looked before. It went in her room in our old house that looked like this. I re-painted it to match the new room, and now it looks like this… In her room that looks like this! We also re purposed an old mirror that was a top of a dresser and made it into a one…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  D's Room,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  girl's room,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    I love Paris in the Springtime!

    My other daughter wanted a Paris themed bedroom. Since I have recently been to Paris I was all for this, and way excited to design this room. Here is her room before. Very bland and white. Here it is after. Very bright, colorful, and Parisian! This was one of the most fun rooms I have done in a long time. It was fun to work with her and her ideas, and incorporate her personality in it. We loved how it turned out, and it totally reminds me of Paris!

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  girl's room,  lighting,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created


    Lighting in a room can add so much fun and personality. I love taking a light fixture and making it my own. For instance, we found this chandelier on Overstock for an amazing price. It was brass, yuck, but with a little imagination and some turquoise spray paint, it turned into a whole lot of fabulous! This is my daughter’s personality all summed up in a light fixture. I wanted to add some sconces to the room by the bed for reading at night. We again bought some inexpensive brass sconces from amazon and sprayed them turquoise. We then bought some shades and covered them in a fun fabric. Little…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  girl's room,  our house,  Projects,  re-purposed furniture,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Re-purposing…love it!

    I love adding personality and color to a room by making things. Either painting old furniture, or using fabrics. I love giving new life to things, doing a room on the cheap (inexpensive). Everything we did in my girl’s room we made ourselves, or re-purposed. For instance, we decided that the room was too small for the current desk we had for it. So we chopped the desk in half, using the drawers on the bottom of the bed, and the other half as the desk. Love how it turned out, and besides the paint, it was free! Can’t beat that. Here is how the desk looked before. After a…

  • A's room,  Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  Furniture,  girl's room,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    pink, red, turquoise, green…

     So excited to show a completed picture of one of my girl’s rooms.  The inspiration all started with the quilt that I showed earlier. I went from there, picking paint, bedspread, fabric for window treatments.  Here are some of the before pictures of the room. As you can see, a completely wrong color for a six year old girl. Here is the after. A lot different. We changed everything, the color, moldings, doors, hardware, light fixtures.  My Hubby made the bed and built ins and I did a lot of customizing and re-painting already existing things we had. There are more posts to come about the things we did and…

  • A's room,  Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  fabric,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Adding personality with fabric and color

    I’ve been working on my girl’s rooms lately. Our next big project. Deciding on colors for the room really had to start with fabric for me.  I was in the craft store and saw a quilt that had the perfect colors for my youngest girl’s room. I quickly bought some fabric and started to make a quilt. It all came together from there. These were the colors I wanted in her room.  I decided to paint the walls the red color, and the ceiling the pink color and add a lot of turquoise and green accents.  I even made doll quilts to match everything. I love fabric and how it…

  • Colors,  Crafts,  Demo,  DIY,  exterior,  Furniture,  our house,  Projects,  Recipes,  Rooms I've Created

    Post number one

    This is a new start, new house, new blog for me.  I have been blogging in the past, doing a family blog, but I wanted a place to journal about all the home projects that we do.  I love looking back on all the other ideas I have done on my other homes, so this blog will be a journey through all the change we are going to make in this home.  We purchased our home about nine months ago with the plan to completely re-do everything. So far we have done some yard work, built a shed, and re-done the garage.  Just recently, I have completed the girl’s rooms,…